Salvia is a genera of 900 species of annuals, biennials, and herbaceous evergreen perennials which are generally found in sunny sites eg. dry medows, rocky slopes, light woodlands, and moist grassland areas. They have alternating, toothed, mid- green to deep green leaves and 2-lipped flowers with hood-like upper and a more spreading lower lip. The flowers are formed on terminal spikes in whorls or panicles from early summer-fall depending on specie.The following species are representative of this genera. |
Salvia coccinea commonly referred to as Texas Sage, is a bushy annual with oval to heart-shaped, hairy toothed mid-green leaves 1" in length and
cherry-red blooms on terminal spikes from summer-autumn. ▲ 24-30" ► 12" Zones 8-10 | |
Salvia nemorosa,is an erect multi-branched perennial with ovate to lance shaped, wrinkled, mid-green leaves 4" in length and purple to violet or white to pink flowers to .5" in length from summer to autumn. ▲ 3' ►24" Zones 5-9 |
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